Startup Sphere Weekly #27

A testimonial platform making $65,000/month. Plus a crypto software selling for $1.8 million.

Hey, it’s Vlad here. Welcome back to Startup Sphere, a 5-minute weekly digest about online businesses selling for life-changing amounts of money.

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Thanks again! Now, let’s get into this week’s business listings ⤵️

Weekly Rundown

AR and VR software development agency

Asking Price: $369,800
TTM Revenue: $369,500
TTM Profit: $151,500

I am usually a fan of agency/service-type businesses, especially ones that solve a unique problem. This business is a good example of that.

The business for sale is a development agency that specifically focuses on augmented reality and virtual reality software.

What distinguishes an agency like this one, is that they have a very specific target customer. Instead of being a generic “digital marketing“ agency, they are able to bring a unique solution to a specific set of companies. IMO, this is the main strength of this business.

I know of people who run similar businesses, specifically in the Snapchat filter space. These agencies reach out to companies and build Snapchat or Instagram filters that increase brand awareness and ultimately drive more traffic for other businesses.

This business has been around for 12 years and their website gets close to 6,000 visits per month. I think this is a well-established company in an interesting niche.

Testimonial collection software

Asking Price: $700,000
TTM Revenue: $787,000
TTM Profit: $154,000

One of the most powerful ways for a business to get more customers is through word of mouth and testimonials. This company makes it easy.

The business for sale is a video messaging and testimonial collection app. Customers can collect and publish testimonials on their website. The business also has multiple integrations with popular platforms like Hubspot, Shopify, and Mailchimp.

Something to note with this business is that the profit margins are alarmingly low for a software company. I suspect that this has to do with developer costs, but I can’t be sure. This is definitely something worth asking about.

Competitors include companies like Testimonial and Senja.

Automated crypto trading software

Asking Price: $1,800,000
TTM Revenue: $2,100,000
TTM Profit: $1,100,000

I am usually wary of businesses like this, since the the trading space is often filled with grifters. But this listing caught my eye so I decided to dive in a bit further.

The business for sale is an automated trading software that helps you find, buy, and sell crypto. The software does this mainly by analyzing trends and patterns. There also seem to be a couple of other features, like sniping upcoming token launches.

If I took over this business, I would be careful in the framing and messaging. Specifically around promising gains or anything like that.

Overall, I am generally careful with the crypto space. The entire industry basically collapsed in a couple of years. Bitcoin has been on the rise recently, but it’s hard to tell what’s real and here to stay. I think this business is worth looking into, especially if you have experience and insight into the crypto markets.

Competitors include companies like Unibot and BananaGun.

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Last Week’s Results

1st Place (50%): Amazon store selling a tofu press
2nd Place (38%): SaaS for temporary phone numbers
3rd Place (12%): Portfolio of custom artwork websites

Premium Listings

This week, premium subscribers got access to a banking SaaS selling for $150,000 and an e-commerce store making $30,000/month. Click here to upgrade.

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That’s all for this week, thanks again for reading.

Make sure to vote in this week’s poll for which business you would acquire. Results will be announced in next week’s newsletter.

— Vlad Verba
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