Startup Sphere Weekly #36

An AI-powered astrology SaaS selling for $690,000. PLUS: A SaaS with 100% profit margins.

Hey it’s Vlad,

welcome back to Startup Sphere, a 5-minute weekly digest about online businesses selling for life-changing amounts of money.

I’ve been working hard to get my business idea market research SaaS live. I’m at the finish line there so I’m excited to launch!


I recently did my first interview with a founder who sold one of his e-commerce businesses. He shares everything from how he came up with the idea, to how he grew the business and the process of selling.

I wanted to see if this is something Startup Sphere readers would be interested in. Vote below and let me know what you think ⤵️

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Weekly Rundown

Hospitality booking platform

Asking Price: $305,000
TTM Revenue: $83,000
TTM Profit: $83,000

The company for sale is software that helps companies like cafes, bars, arcades, lounges, etc manage their booking.

This is an interesting industry, which I assumed was mostly overtaken and owned by giants like Resy. But I think this is a good example showing that there is always space for smaller players to squeeze in and find their own niche.

The company for sale in this listing is BookingNinja. Based on their website it seems that their value proposition is affordability, especially when compared to other software in the space. I like this approach because physical businesses like restaurants and bars already have extremely thin profit margins. So this is a good way to cater to the space.

The software also offers lots of customization features, which is an advantage over larger players, which have to move slower to ship.

The company has been around for 5 years and is selling at a 3.7 multiple. In my opinion, this is a bit high, but this can be a good deal at a slightly lower price.

Bubble web development plugins

Asking Price: $583,000
TTM Revenue: $119,000
TTM Profit: $118,000

I’ve featured a similar business in this newsletter before, so I thought it was worth re-exploring this business model.

The business for sale is a portfolio of plugins for What I love about this company is that there are very few startup costs associated with starting a portfolio like this. You are also building on top of an existing platform, so you know exactly where your customers spend their time.

Across all the plugins, the company has achieved 70,000 downloads, with 1,200 paying users. 80% of the revenue comes from subscriptions, with the rest coming from lifetime payments.

Another advantage to having a collection of plugins like this is that they can help each other grow by cross-promoting each other. So if you have a plugin in a niche that accomplishes a goal, you can push users to download one of your other plugins in a similar niche that would solve another pain point.

This business also has close to 100% profit margins, making it easy to run and giving you the bandwidth to pursue marketing campaigns.

AI astrology platform

Asking Price: $690,000
TTM Revenue: $84,000
TTM Profit: $77,000

The fact that this listing even exists is enough of a reason for me to mention it.

The company for sale is a platform that gives individuals guidance centered around their astrology. The tool seems to incorporate AI to help further personalize conversations. The platform offers advice on compatibility, romance, past life, financial potential, etc.

I know that the astrology niche is extremely strong and users are very passionate about the topic, but I had no idea you could build a SaaS tool in the space.

The company monetized through monthly and lifetime subscriptions, ranging from $13 to $147. They also offer one-time reports that users can buy for $37.

It is crazy to me that people pay for a tool like this to tell them how their personality is shaped based on where the stars align. I really can’t wrap my head around this. But maybe I’m just being ignorant.

Reply to this email and let me know what you think. Would you buy this product? Would you buy this company?

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Last Week’s Poll

The results are in: The 3D render and sketch SaaS led last week’s poll with the most votes. The AI-powered romantic companion came in a close second.

Startup Sphere Pro

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Micro Roundup

iOS puzzle game with 1,200 users (link)

Finance newsletter for CFOs and leaders making $150,000+ (link)

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Thanks again for reading this week’s Startup Sphere. I take a lot of time every week to source the deals and put the newsletter together.

If you can share this newsletter with one other friend who’s interested in entrepreneurship or buying a business, that would help me a ton.

Till next week 🥷

— Vlad Verba
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